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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

271 Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore)

A voluntary non-profit organisation, run by mothers who have breastfed their children and want to share the benefits and rewards of natural breastfeeding with other mothers.

272 Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore)

A voluntary non-profit organisation, run by mothers who have breastfed their children and want to share the benefits and rewards of natural breastfeeding with other mothers.

273 Breath of Life
(Health & Fitness)

A virtual tour of the National Library of Medicine's exhibition that examines the history of asthma, the experiences of people with asthma, and contemporary efforts to understand the disease." Images from the exhibition include famous asthma patients, as well as historical and multicultural perspectives on asthma. Also contains resources on asthma management and the latest research. Requires QuickTime plug-in."

274 Brill's Mutual Funds Interactive
(Business & Finance)

Provides easy access to a wide range of information about mutual funds. Also has Funds 101, which explains mutual funds for the new investor. From Brill.

275 Brint
(Business & Finance)

This business research website specializes in business technology management and business technology trends. The searchable database provides access to hundreds of full-text articles and research papers on topics such as outsourcing, virtual corporations, online commerce, knowledge management and more.

276 Brint.com
(Business & Finance)

Information portal for anyone interested in e-business, information, information technology and knowledge management. Also carries news and links on business, IT, and some related areas.

277 British Council Singapore

Provides information and services especially for parents and students in Singapore who are planning to study in the United Kingdom.

278 British Crime, Mystery, Horror, Fantasy & Science

This website, updated weekly, offers a comprehensive list of books from different genres, namely crime, mystery, fantasy, horror and science fiction. Also features crime fiction reviews, author interviews and information about books published in the UK from 1996-2002. Members are also welcome to share their views and comments in the Discussion Web.

279 British Museum
(Arts & Humanities)

Founded in 1753 and one of the world's premier museums. The collection spans two million years of human history.

280 British Olympic Association

Features the history of the Olympics. Read about the latest issues, including unsporting drug abuse, women’s issues and politics.

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